教育部:检讨抗烟霾机制 更好保护学生健康


Technology and social media have brought power back to the people.


News and interviews with our specialist.

October 2015
教育部:检讨抗烟霾机制 更好保护学生健康

Dr Jim gives advice on the solutions for students in non aircon classrooms during hazy condition.  Channel 8 news interview 

September 2015
烟霾来袭 空气净化器和口罩销量增

Dr Jim gives advice on the solutions available to protect yourself from the haze. Channel 8 news interview

September 2015
截至傍晚6时 PSI处于不健康

Dr Jim speaks about health hazards caused by the haze, and what people with chronic lung conditions should do to protect themselves […]

July 2015
Don’t skip your vaccination jabs

Dr Jim Teo was interviewed on his specialty as a respiratory and intensive care consultant. He also emphasizes the importance of vaccinations […]

July 2015
警察和民防部队评估粉末安全性 决定是否批准“彩色跑”

Dr Jim Teo discussed about the allergic reactions people can have to cornstarch, flour and similar material in response to the cornstarch […]